New Year, New Pricing
The new year often brings in many changes. These can be changes in ourselves, our communities, or our society as a whole. This year the new year brought in major changes to the cost of shipping. As major shipping companies update and raise their prices, rest assured that Kaebox will remain an affordable and dependable instant delivery service.
At Kaebox we understand the importance of maintaining access to affordable instant delivery services. Emphasis on affordability. For most consumers the cost of shipping has climbed far beyond what the average customer is willing to pay. Placing a price hike at the tail end of peak season during a recession is no way to provide service to loyal customers.
Kaebox Consistency
This is why we are proud to inform you that Kaebox has vowed to keep our prices low, despite the other carriers skyrocketing around us. Users will be able to depend on Kaebox when it comes to providing dependable instant delivery service.
When placing your request for an instant delivery you will be able to view prices from each available shipping carrier in real time. With our direct partnership with carriers like USPS, UPS, DHL, and FedEx you will still be able to access your instant delivery service provider of choice. Submitting a package pick up and delivery service request through the Kaebox app can save you nearly 90% on your overall shipping costs!
Rise Above the Rest
We keep our external shipping fees consistent in a turbulent market for the sake of our users. At Kaebox we understand how detrimental it can be to a small business when the cost of shipping suddenly rises. The price of instant delivery alone can make a business owner think twice about their next bulk shipment order. We provide our customers with all the necessary package preparation on the spot, and included in the pricing of your order.
Find out what you’re paying for upfront with our real time pricing tool. Avoid hidden fees and view your price breakdown before you commit to a purchase. We understand the desire to shop around for the best price. We assure you that you will not find a better value than Kaebox.
Our couriers are equipped with portable printers that quickly create shipping labels generated by your instant delivery service request. Once the courier reaches your pick up location they will create the label for your shipment. The Kaeboxer will also print out a unique QR code which they will scan at pick up and drop off. This method ensures each and every package is delivered to the correct location.
We even provide the option to choose your packaging. If you have your own parcel bag or cardboard box to ship your item in, that is no problem at all. Our courier will fulfill the instant delivery service as requested. If you find yourself in need of packaging for the shipment then Kaebox has you covered! Within your request for an instant delivery service there will be a button presented to make your choice in packaging. When you choose Kaebox bags the app automatically analyzes the measurements you provided for your item and suggests the correct size of parcel bag to your courier. This ensures they will bring only what is necessary to the package pick up service and prepare your shipment efficiently.
Save on shipping when you choose Kaebox. Our couriers understand how to optimize their route to transport your package efficiently and effectively. We are the only full service courier on-demand, all available at the touch of a button. We vow to keep our prices low and our quality of service high!